Financial Controller

By PRETTY BOOKS ON October 22, 2020
Metaphorical definitions of complex accounting terms.

The accounting language is filled with highly technical words and phrases that describe the highly technical job functions of an accountant. The ACCRUED DICTIONARY is a collection of common terms accountants use broken down into easy-to-understand metaphors, jokes, and whimsy. The dictionary cuts through the technical jargon and gives you a metaphorical perspective at what these words mean

Financial Controller

Noun. [fi-nan-shuhl•kuhn-troh-ler]
  1. Accrued Dictionary definition: The show must go on, and the financial controller is the stage manager who runs around making sure it does. The financial controller takes charge of a crew of stagehands that ensures lights and sound are working, the actors are in line, and the production goes on as scheduled, despite any mishaps behind the scenes.

     //”Wherefore art thou, Financial Controller, I need to increase my budget.”

  1. Textbook definition: The person who manages all financial and accounting operations for a business, from coordinating and directing the preparation of the budget to forecasting to reporting variances to prepping monthly financial statements.

     //The financial controller is the accountant in charge of making all finance related decisions within a company. 

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